Paolo Paesani
Nota biografica
Nato nel 1973. Professore ordinario di Storia del pensiero economico presso il Dipartimento di Studi letterari, filosofici e di storia dell'arte dell’Università di Roma Tor Vergata. Laureatosi con lode alla Sapienza di Roma ha poi conseguito il Master in economia presso l’Università Bocconi e il Dottorato di ricerca in economia presso l’istituto Universitario Europeo di Firenze. I suoi principali campi d’interesse sono la storia dell’analisi economica e monetaria a partire dal secondo dopoguerra, la teoria e la storia dei mercati monetari e finanziari, l’economia europea. È autore di numerosi articoli scientifici di rilevanza nazionale e internazionale.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 5/06/2024Pubblicazioni
Il seguente elenco contiene le pubblicazioni inserite nell'Archivio Istituzionale della Ricerca dell'Ateneo, in ordine cronologico dalle più recenti.
- Full Employment. In Elgar Encylopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
- Zero Interest Rate Policy. In Elgar Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
- De Cecco on Financial Centres, Monetary Power and Crisis. In REVIEW OF POLITICAL ECONOMY (2), 2022.
- Early reflections on the democratization of organised markets and their regulations. In Financial markets in perspective, pp. 43-60, Springer, 2022.
- Richard F. Kahn: Collected Economic Essays. www
- How speculation became respectable: early theories on financial and commodity markets. In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT, 28 (2): 273-291, 2021.
- Navigating the oil bubble: a non-linear heterogeneous-agent dynamic model of futures oil pricing. In THE ENERGY JOURNAL, Volume 42 (5): 101-122, 2021. doi
- Destabilising speculation on organised markets: early perspectives in the spirit of Marshall. In Marshall and the Marshallian heritage. Essays in honour of Tiziano Raffaelli, pp. 187-206, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
- Luigi Spaventa e l’integrazione monetaria europea: un pensiero in evoluzione. In IL PENSIERO ECONOMICO ITALIANO, 2 (2): 41-57, 2020.
- Reception and Scientific Dissemination of the Radcliffe Report in Italy: Contextualization and Survey of the Literature. In IL PENSIERO ECONOMICO ITALIANO, 2018.
- Vicarelli, Keynes, and the unstable nexus between investment, liquidity, and finance. In JOURNAL OF POST KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS, 41 (1): 16-35, 2018.
- Unconventional monetary policy ante litteram: Richard Kahn and the monetary policy debate during the works of the Radcliffe Committee. In CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 42 (4): 1145-1164, 2018.
- Monetary policy and price stability in British post-war debate: restatement of evidence from economists’ papers presented to the Radcliffe Committee. In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT (6), 2018.
- Unconventional monetary policy ante litteram: Richard Kahn and the monetary policy debate during the works of the Radcliffe Committee. In CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 42 (4): 1145-1164, 2018. doi
- Price Stability and the Origins and Early Influence of the Phillips Curve on British Policy Debates. In HISTORY OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, 50 (3): 483-509, 2018.
- The Wartime economy and the theory of price control. In War in the history of economic thought, pp. 197-217, Routledge, 2017.
- On the relevance of Keynes to the contemporary world: post-crisis views on economic policy, capitalism and international monetary reform. In ANNALS OF THE FONDAZIONE LUIGI EINAUDI, 60: 249-268, 2017. doi
- Speculative pricing in the Liverpool cotton futures market: a nonlinear tale of noise traders and fundamentalists from the 1920s. In CLIOMETRICA (1), 2016. doi
- The case for a supra-national control on commodities in the post WWII world: novel perspectives from FAO and Kaldor archives. In HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT AND POLICY (1): 5-30, 2014.
- Some Considerations on Debt and Interest rates. In Developments in Macro-Finance Yield Curve Modelling, pp. 504-534, Cambridge University Press, 2014.
- From affluence to austerity in post-war Britain: there and back again. In HISTORY OF ECONOMIC IDEAS, 21 (2): 121-126, 2013.
- Kaldor and the relationship between normal backwardation and the theory of storage.
- A New test of the theory of storage comparing historical and contemporary data.
- Quoted Spreads and Trade Imbalances Dynamics in the European Treasury Bond Market. In THE QUARTERLY REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE: JOURNAL OF THE MIDWEST ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION (52): 173-182, 2012.
- Lezioni di economia. Giappichelli, Torino, 2012.
- Fiscal shocks, public debt and long-term interest rate dynmaics.
- Quoted Spreads and Trade Imbalances Dynamics in the European Treasury Bond Market.
- Inflation and inflation uncertainty in the euro area. In EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS (2), 2011.
- Macroeconomia. Giappichelli, Torino, 2010.
- Keynes e la crisi attuale. In Il Ritorno dell'economia politica, Donzelli, Roma, 2010.
- Europe without the EU?. www
- The Monetary systems of the Greeks and the Romans. In RIVISTA DI POLITICA ECONOMICA, 99 (1-3): 353-364, 2009.
- Nuove regole per un sistema finanziario globale. In BANCARIA, 65 (7-8): 73-80, 2009.
- Structural reforms and fiscal discipline in Europe. In TRANSITION STUDIES REVIEW, 15 (2): 389-402, 2008.
- The Transfer problem in the Euro area. In OPEN ECONOMIES REVIEW, 19 (4): 517-537, 2008.
- Monetary policy and stock market risk perception in the US. In Emerging topics in banking and finance, pp. 187-200, Nova Science Publishers, 2008.
- Transparency in the European bond market. In TRANSITION STUDIES REVIEW, 14 (1): 3-21, 2007.