Claudio Corradetti
Qualifica: Professore associato
Settore scientifico-disciplinare: SPS/01 Filosofia politica
Dipartimento: Studi letterari, filosofici e di storia dell'arte
Corsi e ricevimento: Didattica Web
Studio: II/24
Telefono: +39 06 7259 5086
Posta elettronica:
Nota biografica
Il seguente elenco contiene le pubblicazioni inserite nell'Archivio Istituzionale della Ricerca dell'Ateneo, in ordine cronologico dalle più recenti.
- Coercion or Privatization? Crisis and Planned Economies in the Debates of the Early Frankfurt School. In JUS COGENS, 2023. doi
- Kant, Global Politics and Cosmopolitan Law. A Reply to G. Geismann. In CON-TEXTOS KANTIANOS, 18: 147-152, 2023.
- Kant e la fondazione dell’ordine cosmopolitico: risposta ai miei critici. In STUDI KANTIANI, XXXVI: 145-150, 2023.
- Liberal Constitutional Democracies in Times of Crisis. In JUS COGENS, 2022.
- Relativism and Human Rights : a Theory of Pluralist Universalism. 2. edition. Springer, 2022.
- The End of Globalization : Cosmopolitanism, Militancy and the Role of Jus Cogens. In JUS COGENS, 2022.
- Justification and Application of Human Rights : Author's Reply to Critics. In ETICA & POLITICA (3), 2022.
- The Solitude of Machiavelli's Prince. In PHILOSOPHIA (3), 2022.
- Understanding J. Marko’s Model of ‘Multiple Diversity Managements’: on the Functional Integration of Law and Politics. In Law and Politics, Nomos, 2022.
- ‘Political and Metaphysical’ : the World Republic as a Regulative Idea of Reason. In The Court of Reason, De Gruyter, 2022.
- Kant or not Kant? Arguing on Kant’s ultimate political design for global governance and cosmopolitanism. In CON-TEXTOS KANTIANOS (13): 7-28, 2021.
- What makes us human? : Evolution, Intentionality and Human Progress. In JUS COGENS, 2021.
- Morality and Tribalism : Debating Buchanan’s ‘Our Moral Fate’. In JUS COGENS, 2021.
- The “war” against Covid-19: state of exception, state of siege, or constitutional emergency powers?: the Italian case in comparative perspective. In GERMAN LAW JOURNAL, 22 (6): 1060-1071, 2021.
- A rationale for the legitimacy of the world legal order : Kant’s idea of a cosmopolitan will. In GLOBAL CONSTITUTIONALISM (3), 2020.
- Reflecting on the EU: the good and the bad times, and those that are yet to come. In JUS COGENS, 2 (1), 2020.
- Kant, Global Politics and Cosmopolitan Law. The World Republic as a Regulative Idea of Reason. Routledge, 2020.
- Hegemony Critique and the Crisis of the European Union. In JUS COGENS, 2020.
- Amy Allen and Brian O'Connor (eds.), Transitional Subjects: Critical Theory and Object Relations, Columbia University Press, 2019, 269pp., $30.00 (pbk), ISBN 9780231183192.
- Engaging with Forst’s “Right to Justification”: Kantian Analogies and the Problem of Subjectivity. In Constitutionalism Justified. Rainer Forst in Discourse, Oxford University Press, 2019.
- Diritti umani e teoria critica : per un'idea di universalismo pluralista. Altravista, 2018.
- Thinking with Kant "beyond Kant": Actualizing Sovereignty and Citizenship in the Transnational Sphere. In DANISH YEARBOOK OF PHILOSOPHY (1): 59-82, 2017.
- Constructivism in cosmopolitan law: Kant’s right to visit. In GLOBAL CONSTITUTIONALISM, 2017.
- Andrew Feenberg Technosystem. The Social Life of Reason. In NOTRE DAME PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEWS, 2017.
- The multiple identities of critical theory: a Hydra or a Proteus?. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 43 (3): 306-307, 2017.
- Relativism and universalism of human rights and regional protection. In Oxford Bibliographies [online], Oxford University Press, 2017.
- Kant e la costituzione cosmopolitica :Tre saggi. Mimesis, 2016.
- Global Constitutionalism without Global Democracy (?).
- Kant's Cosmopolitan Legacy and the Idea of a Transitional Jus Cosmopoliticum. In RATIO JURIS, 2016.
- Introduction. Symposium: Cosmopolitan Law and the Courts. In TRANSNATIONAL LEGAL THEORY, 2016.
- Relativism and Universalism of Human Rights and Regional Protection.
- Thinking with Kant "Beyond" Kant: Actualizing Sovereignty and Citizenship in the Transnational Sphere. In Global Constitutionalism without Global Democracy (?), European University Institute, Fiesole, 2016.
- Constructivism in Cosmopolitan Law: Kant's Right to Visit. In Global Constitutionalism without Global Democracy (?), European University Institute, Fiesole, 2016.
- Kant e la costituzione cosmopolitica. Mimesis, 2016.
- Che cos'è la giustizia di transizione (Transitional Justice)?. In Giustizia, Carocci, 2015.
- Progressing towards a Cosmopolitan Condition: Kant's Ideal for the formal unity of international law. www
- Introduction. In Theorizing Transitional Justice, Ashgate, 2015.
- Judicial Cosmopolitan Authority. In TRANSNATIONAL LEGAL THEORY, 2015.
- Transitional Times, Reflective Judgment and the Hos Me Condition. In Theorizing Transitional Justice, Ashgate, 2015.
- Public deliberation and the role of stakeholders as a new frontier in the governance of science: the British Columbia Biobank Deliberation and the DePGx Project. In Ethics law and governance of biobanking, Springer, 2015.
- Theorizing transitional justice.
- The Priority of Conflict Deterrence and the Role of the International Criminal Court in Kenya’s Post-Electoral Violence 2007–2008 and 2013. In HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW (3), 2015.
- The Priority of Conflict Deterrence and the Role of the International Criminal Court in Kenya's Post-Electoral Violence 2007-2008 and 2013. In HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW, 16 (3): 257-272, 2015.
- Deliberazione Pubblica. Pluralismo, Complessità e Democrazia (di James Bohman, Public Deliberation. Pluralism, Complexity and Democracy, MIT Press, Boston 1996). Il Manifesto Libri, Roma, 2014.
- Prefazione.
- Deliberazione e democrazia. In Deliberazione Pubblica : Pluralismo, Complessità e Democrazia, Il Manifesto Libri, 2014.
- Philosophical issues in transitional justice. In POLITICA & SOCIETÀ, 2013.
- Identity politics and the idea of "autonomy patriotism" in South Tyrol. In Eurac Research : inventing science in a region, Europaeische Akademie Bozen, 2013.
- Le rivendicazioni speciali delle minoranze indigene per la giustizia correttiva. In POLITICA & SOCIETÀ, 2013.
- Robert Meister. After Evil: A Politics of Human Rights. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.
- Patientcentric initiatives (PCIs) - a schift in the governance of science: lessons from the biobanks world. An Editorial.
- What does cultural difference require of human rights?. In Human Rights : The Hard Questions, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
- Dialogo sull'Europa. John Rawls e il liberalismo antieuropeista. In MICROMEGA, 2012.
- Verità e giustizia transizionale : una proposta politico-normativa. In La politica tra verità e immaginazione, Mimesis, 2012.
- Introduction. In Philosophical Dimensions of Human Rights. Some Contemporary Views, Springer, 2012.
- Tre Lettere sul diritto dei popoli e l'unione europea. In MICROMEGA, 2012.
- Patientcentricity. An Editorial.
- Ragionevolezza pubblica, verità scientifica e inclusività nella ricerca medico-scientifica. In Etica e genetica : storia, concetti, pratiche, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2012.
- Rational choice, capabilities and human well-being : the third way. In Psychology of morality, Nova Science Publisher, New York, 2012.
- Philosophical Dimensions of Human Rights. Some Contemporary Views.
- Transitional Justice and the truth-constraints of the public sphere. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM (7), 2012.
- "Critical Theory" and "Frankfurt School".
- 'Society in Science': the DePGx Project and the Democratization of Health Policy Strategies through Public Deliberation. In OYO RINRI, 2011.
- Can human rights be exported? : Rethinking the relation between human rights and transplantability. In New directions in comparative law, nova publisher, new york, 2010.
- Relativism and Human Rights. A Theory of Pluralist Universalism. Springer, Dordrecht, 2009.
- Laicità e ragione pubblica : attualità del pensiero di Lelio Basso. In Novecento contemporaneo : studi su Lelio Basso, Ediesse, Roma, 2009.
- Le dimensioni del relativismo morale: per una valutazione del "giudizio interno" di Hartman. In RAGION PRATICA, 2008.
- Human Rights in Europe: Theory and Practice. XL Edizioni, Roma, 2006.
- Oltre "lo scontro di civiltà": compatibilità culturale e caso islamico. Fondazione A.Olivetti, 2005.