Alessandro Ferrara

Qualifica: Professore emerito
Settore scientifico-disciplinare: SPS/01 Filosofia politica
Dipartimento: Storia, patrimonio culturale, formazione e società
Corsi e ricevimento: Didattica Web
Studio: I/20
Telefono: +39 06 7259 5052
Non più in servizio nell'Ateneo dal: 1/11/2023

Nota biografica

Alessandro Ferrara, Professor Emeritus of Political Philosophy at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and former President of the Italian Association for Political Philosophy (2005-2010), has graduated in Philosophy in Italy (1975) and later, as a Harkness Fellow, received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley (1984). He has conducted post-doctoral research in Munich and Frankfurt with Jürgen Habermas as a Von Humboldt Fellow and later at Berkeley again, leading to the publication of his first book Modernity and Authenticity (1993).

He has been an Assistant Professor in Sociology at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" between 1984 and 1998, then an Associate Professor in Sociology at the University of Parma between 1998 and 2002, and since 2002 is Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata". Since 2007 he also teaches "Multiculturalism and Theories of Justice" at the Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan.

Since 1991 he has been a Director of the Yearly Conference on Philosophy and Social Science, initially part of the regular activities of the Interuniversity Centre of Dubrovnik, but since 1993 relocated in Prague, under the auspices of the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Science and later of Charles University. Since 1990 he has been a founder and a Co-Director of the Seminario di Teoria Critica, which meets yearly in Gallarate, Italy. And since 2007 he is on the Executive Committee of the Istanbul Seminars on religion and politics, held at Bilgi University in Istanbul under the auspices of the Association Reset - Dialogues of Civilizations.

He serves as editorial consultant on the board of a number of journals including Constellations, Philosophy and Social Criticism and The European Journal of Philosophy, and on the Advisory Board of the series New Directions in Critical Theory at Columbia University Press.

He has taught and lectured in various capacities in a number of universities and institutions, including Harvard University, Columbia University, Rice University, Cardozo Law School, The New School for Social Research and the Universities of Berkeley, Madrid, Chicago, Potsdam, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Exeter, Manchester.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 22/04/2024


Il seguente elenco contiene le pubblicazioni inserite nell'Archivio Istituzionale della Ricerca dell'Ateneo, in ordine cronologico dalle più recenti.

  • Ferrara, A Sovereignty Across Generations : Constituent Power and Political Liberalism. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2023.
  • Ferrara, A The People and the Voters. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 47 (1): 45-53, 2022.
  • Ferrara, A What the controversy over ‘the reasonable’ reveals: On Habermas’s Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 48 (3): 313-332, 2022.
  • Ferrara, A and Michelman, Fi Legitimation by Constitution : A Dialogue on Political Liberalism. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2021.
  • Ferrara, A “Unconventional Adaptation and the Authenticity of a Constitution”. In Revolutionary Constitutionalism. Law, Legitimacy, Power, pp. 155-177, Hart, 2020.
  • Ferrara, A Authority, legitimacy, and democracy: Narrowing the gap between normativism and realism. In CONSTELLATIONS, 27 (4): 655-669, 2020.
  • Ferrara, A Further thoughts on a-legality, exemplarity and constituent power: responding to Hans Lindahl. In ETICA & POLITICA, 22 (2): 461-474, 2020.
  • Ferrara, A Habermas e Rawls, ciò che la controversia intorno al «ragionevole» rivela. In QUADERNI DI TEORIA SOCIALE (1-2): 665-677, 2020.
  • Ferrara, A “Narcissism and Critique : On Kohut’s Self Psychology”. In Transitional Subjects : Critical Theory and Object Relations, pp. 75-105, Columbia University Press, New York, 2019.
  • Ferrara, A A Crypto-Liberalism of Collective Self-Restraint? : On H.Lindahl’s Authority and the Globalization of Inclusion and Exclusion. In ETICA & POLITICA (21): 371-381, 2019.
  • Ferrara, A Social Freedom and Reasonable Pluralism: Reflections on Freedom's Right. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 45 (6): 635-642, 2019.
  • Ferrara, A «Most Reasonable for Humanity» : Legitimation Beyond the State. In JUS COGENS, 1: 1-17, 2019.
  • Ferrara, A Che cosa è un popolo?. In POLITICA & SOCIETÀ (2): 163-182, 2019.
  • Ferrara, A Sideways at the Entrance of the Cave: A Pluralist Footnote to Plato. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 45 (4): 390-402, 2019.
  • Ferrara, A Debating Exemplarity: The "Communis" in Sensus Communis. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 45 (2): 146-158, 2019.
  • Ferrara, A Can Political Liberalism Help Us Rescue "the People" from Populism?. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 44 (4): 463-477, 2018.
  • Ferrara, A How to Accommodate Modus Vivendi Within Normative Political Theory. In BIBLIOTECA DELLA LIBERTÀ, 53 (2): 9-26, 2018.
  • Ferrara, A Exemplarity in the Public Realm. In LAW AND LITERATURE, 30 (3): 387-399, 2018.
  • Ferrara, A Come continuare a parlare di ideologia entro un orizzonte post-moderno. In RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI SOCIOLOGIA, 59 (3): 515-535, 2018.
  • Ferrara, A “Deconstructing the Deconstruction of the Law: Reflections on Menke's «Law and Violence»”. In Law and Violence. Christoph Menke in Dialogue, pp. 112-136, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2018.
  • Ferrara, A Curbing the absolute power of disembedded financial markets: The grammar of counter-hegemonic resistance and the polanyian narrative. In Feminism, Capitalism, and Critique, pp. 167-184, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2017.
  • Ferrara, A Rousseau and Critical Theory. Brill, Boston, 2017.
  • Griffero, Tb; Vincenzo, C; Elio, F et al. Il «pensiero dei sensi»: estetica e atmosfere. In PSICHE, IV (1): 121-158, 2017.
  • Ferrara, A Prague, or critical theory in the 21st century. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 43 (3): 235-242, 2017.
  • Ferrara, A Constitution and Context: Reflections on Bruce Ackerman's The Civil Rights Revolution (2016), pp. 1-12. In JERUSALEM REVIEW OF LEGAL STUDIES, 13 (1): 19-30, 2016.
  • Ferrara, A Political liberalism revisited: A paradigm for liberal democracy in the 21st century. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 42 (7): 681-706, 2016.
  • Ferrara, A “Expanding the Framework of Political Liberalism”, Krakow, Akademia Ignatium/Wam, 2016, pp. 125-46. In After Rawls, pp. 125-146, Akademia Ignatium W Krakowie, Cracovia, 2016.
  • Ferrara, A La fine del postmoderno nell'orizzonte post-moderno. In QUADERNI DI TEORIA SOCIALE, 2016 (2): 65-96, 2016.
  • Ferrara, A Rethinking critical theory once again: Immanent critique and immanent normativity. In Critical Theory and the Challenge of Praxis, pp. 145-157, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, Farnham, 2015.
  • Ferrara, A Democracies in the plural: A typology of democratic cultures. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 41 (4-5): 393-402, 2015.
  • Ferrara, A «Uscita 22» e altre obiezioni. Contro la critica decostruzionista del soggetto. In IRIDE, 28 (2): 241-259, 2015.
  • Ferrara, A La democrazia e il potere assoluto dei mercati finanziari disancorati. In POLITICA & SOCIETÀ, 3 (1): 7-26, 2015.
  • Ferrara, A Varieties of transcendence and their consequences for political philosophy. In THE EUROPEAN LEGACY, TOWARD NEW PARADIGMS, 20 (2): 109-119, 2015.
  • Ferrara, A Democracy and the absolute power of disembedded financial markets. In Reclaiming Democracy. Judgment, Responsibility and the Right to Politics, pp. 110-125, Taylor and Francis Inc., New York and Abingdon, 2015.
  • Ferrara, A The democratic horizon. Hyperpluralism and the renewal of political liberalism. Cambridge University Press, New York, 2014.
  • Ferrara, A La Dichiarazione «Dignitatis Humanae»: un commento. In Religioni, Libertà, Potere, pp. 87-97, Vita e pensiero, Milano, 2014.
  • Ferrara, A La autenticidad y la normatividad de la identidad en Rousseau. In SIGNOS FILOSÓFICOS, 16 (31): 159-190, 2014.
  • Ferrara, A La separación de religión y política en una sociedad postsecular. In La fe en la ciudad secular: laicidad y democracia, pp. 139-154, Trotta, Madrid, 2014.
  • Ferrara, A; Kaul, V and Rasmussen, D From the erosion of the nation-state to the rise of political Islam: sources of political legitimacy.
  • Ferrara, A El horizonte democratico. El hiperpluralismo y la renovaciòn del liberalismo politico. Herder, BArcelona, 2014.
  • Ferrara, A Un giusnaturalismo logico? Riflessioni sul costituzionalismo garantista di Luigi Ferrajoli. In IRIDE, 27 (73): 657-675, 2014.
  • Ferrara, A La democrazia e il suo ethosIride. In IRIDE, 27 (71): 133-153, 2014.
  • Ferrara, A; Kaul, V and Rasmussen, D The promise of democracy in troubled times.
  • Ferrara, A Judging democracy in the 21st Century: crisis or transformation?. In NO FOUNDATIONS (10): 1-22, 2013.
  • Ferrara, A and Farneti, R What is a Minor Philosophy? A Conversation on Thinking from the Periphery in a Global World. In PHILOSOPHIA: 717-719, 2012.
  • Ferrara, A Autenticità, normatività dell'identità e ruolo del legislatore in Rousseau. In La filosofia politica di Rousseau, pp. 9-34, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2012.
  • Ferrara, A Hyperpluralism and the multivariate democratic polity. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 38 (4-5): 435-444, 2012.
  • Ferrara, A The idea of a charter of fundamental human rights. In Philosophical dimensions of human rights, pp. 173-187, Springer, Dordrecht, 2012.
  • Ferrara, A; Kaul, V and Ramsussen, D Overcoming the Trap of Resentment.
  • Ferrara, A Introduction. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 38: 343-349, 2012.
  • Ferrara, A Politics at its Best : Reasons that Move the Imagination. In The Politics of Imagination, pp. 38-54, Birbeck Law Press, London, 2011.
  • Ferrara, A Democrazia costituzionale e blindatura strutturale nella teoria del diritto di Luigi Ferrajoli. In Diritto e democrazia. La teoria di Luigi Ferrajoli, pp. 123-130, Giappichelli, Torino, 2011.
  • Ferrara, A Universalismo esemplare come modello per l'età globale. In Globalizzazione, saggezza, regole, pp. 55-9788846729231, ETS, Pisa, 2011.
  • Ferrara, A Democrazia e apertura. Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2011.
  • Ferrara, A Il multiculturalismo come compimento del liberalismo. In Lotte, riconoscimento, diritti, pp. 177-202, Morlacchi, Perugia, 2011.
  • Ferrara, A Realigning Liberalism: Pluralism, Integration, Identities.
  • Ferrara, A Ferrajoli's argument for structural entrenchment. In RES PUBLICA, 17 (4): 377-383, 2011.
  • Ferrara, A Governance e governo : la democrazia oltre la scala nazionale. In PAROLECHIAVE, 43: 169-183, 2010.
  • Ferrara, A Reflexive Pluralism. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 36 (3-4): 353-364, 2010.
  • Ferrara, A; Rasmussen, D and Kaul, V Postsecularism and multicultural jurisdictions.
  • Ferrara, A Ritual and/or Sincerity.
  • Ferrara, A Deliberazione, identità e "doveri d'amore". In LA SOCIETÀ DEGLI INDIVIDUI, 43: 169-183, 2010.
  • Ferrara, A Language After the Linguistic Turn. Rethinking Universalism. In LEITMOTIV, 1: 11-26, 2010.
  • Ferrara, A Foreword. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 36 (1): 5-7, 2010.
  • Ferrara, A Mediating or Merely Juxtaposing Ritual and Sincerity?. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 36 (1): 41-44, 2010.
  • Ferrara, A Multiculturalismo : tradimento o compimento del liberalismo?. In Politica e società, I (4): 13-29, 2009.
  • Ferrara, A Politics and the Imagination = 最佳状态的政治:推动想象的诸理由. In SHIJIE ZHEXUE (1): 60-71, 2009.
  • Ferrara, A The Separation of Religion and Politics in a Post-secular Society. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 35 (1-2): 77-92, 2009.
  • Ferrara, A Religione e politica nella società post-secolare.
  • Ferrara, A Das Gold im Gestein. Verdinglichung und Anerkennung. In Sozialphilosophie und Kritik, pp. 40-63, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt, 2009.
  • Ferrara, A L’identità come vincolo. In Vincoli (Sensibilia 2)., pp. 137-157, Mimesis, Milano, 2009.
  • Ferrara, A Ripensare la separazione fra religione e politica in una società post-secolare. In Laicità e principio di non discriminazione, pp. 97-115, Rubettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2009.
  • Ferrara, A La democrazia deliberativa e la sfida della governance. In Governance e democrazia. Tecniche del potere e legittimità dei processi di globalizzazione, pp. 91-108, Mimesis, Milano, 2009.
  • Ferrara, A Authenticity Without a True Self. In Authenticity in Culture, Self, and Society, pp. 21-36, Ashgate, Farnham, 2009.
  • Ferrara, A Introduzione. In Religione e politica nella società post-secolare, pp. 7-23, Meltemi, Roma, 2009.
  • Ferrara, A La forza dell'esempio : Il paradigma del giudizio. Feltrinelli, Milano, 2008.
  • Ferrara, A The Force of the Example : Explorations in the Paradigm of Judgment. Columbia University Press, New York, 2008.
  • Ferrara, A Does Kant Share Sancho's Dream? Judgment and Sensus Communis. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 34 (1-2): 65-81, 2008.
  • Ferrara, A La fuerza del ejemplo. Exploraciones del paradigma del juicio. GEDISA, Barcelona, 2008.
  • Ferrara, A La pepita e le scorie. Ripensare la reificazione alla luce del riconoscimento. In QUADERNI DI TEORIA SOCIALE, 8: 45-67, 2008.
  • Ferrara, A Persona e Sè. In "Persona" in sociologia, pp. 41-55, Meltemi, Roma, 2008.
  • Ferrara, A Della politica. Una riflessione filosofica. In Che cos’è la politica?, pp. 17-38, Meltemi, Roma, 2008.
  • Ferrara, A The Uses of Judgment.
  • Ferrara, A Introduction. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 34 (1-2): 5-28, 2008.
  • Ferrara, A Non è solo questione di accento. In DIALOGHI, 8: 44-47, 2008.
  • Ferrara, A Introduction. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 34 (1-2): 5-28, 2008.
  • Ferrara, A Europe as a "special area for human hope". In CONSTELLATIONS, 14 (4): 315-331, 2007.
  • Ferrara, A Three Notions of Secularism. In Proceedings of the World Philosophy Day UNESCO, pp. 219-223, Philosophical Society of Turkey, Ankara, 2007.
  • Ferrara, A Fra Vestfalia e Cosmopolis : I limiti della sovranità e il dovere di proteggere. In PAROLECHIAVE (35): 23-38, 2006.
  • Ferrara, A Political Cosmopolitanism and Judgment. In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL THEORY (9): 491-504, 2006.
  • Ferrara, A L’Europa come spazio privilegiato della speranza umana. In Identità europea e libertà, pp. 43-61, CLEUP, Padova, 2006.
  • Ferrara, A Religion und postsäkulare Vernünftigkeit. In TRANSIT, 31: 5-25, 2006.
  • Ferrara, A Giudizio e senso comune. In NUOVA CIVILTÀ DELLE MACCHINE, 1: 69-81, 2005.
  • Ferrara, A La religione entro i limiti della ragionevolezza. In PAROLECHIAVE, 33: 125-142, 2005.
  • Ferrara, A Autenticità e riflessione. In IRIDE, 18 (44): 199-206, 2005.
  • Ferrara, A and Rosati, M Affreschi della modernità. Crocevia della teoria sociale. Carocci, Roma, 2005.
  • Ferrara, A Public Reason and the Normativity of the Reasonable. In PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 30 (5-6): 579-596, 2004.
  • Ferrara, A Il ragionevole e l' esemplare : Riflessioni sulla normatività e la ragione pubblica. In FENOMENOLOGIA E SOCIETÀ (1): 7-28, 2004.
  • Ferrara, A Ragioni per una Seconda Dichiarazione universale dei diritti umani. In FILOSOFIA E QUESTIONI PUBBLICHE, 2: 33-45, 2004.
  • Ferrara, A Comment on Charles Larmore. In Ricostruzione della soggettività, pp. 363-369, Liguori, Napoli, 2004.