- Piergiacomo Severini, Review of Desh Subba, Trans Philosophism. Trans Philosophism Doctrine on Marxism, Postmodernism, Existentialism, Criticism, Sociology, Ecology, Politics, Science & Language [30/12/2022]
- Ida Soldini, Plato's youth and old Attic comedy [30/12/2022]
- Damiano Migliorini, Troubles With Power Structuralism’s Account of Causation [30/12/2022]
- Anselmo Aportone, Notes on the Concepts of Revolution in Kant’s Thought [30/12/2022]
- Damiano Migliorini, Trinity and Mystery. Three Models for the Contemporary Debate in Analytic Philosophy of Religion [31/07/2022]
- Martina Properzi, Body Model and Biosynthetic Devices: A Phenomenological Interpretation of the Normative Issue in Technological Incorporation [31/12/2021]
- Mario Clemente, Theoretical foundations of human rights: a critical insight into contemporary debate [31/07/2021]
- Matteo Bisoni, Job, mask of sovereignty: sacrifice, transcendence, melancholy, responsibility [01/06/2021]
- Marco Stucchi, Is Freudian psychotherapy an example of scapegoat mechanism? [01/06/2021]
- Marco Stucchi, Bianca Nogara Notarianni, The ancient trail of the wicked. René Girard and the Book of Job: Introduction [01/06/2021]
- Jaco Gericke, Girard’s Job, biblical scholarship and philosophy of religion. A supplementary reception-historical perspective [01/06/2021]
- Diego Salvati, Exploiting the scapegoat. An introduction to the application of René Girard’s work on contemporary migrations towards Europe [01/06/2021]
- Daniele Bertini, Hate-speech in Girard’s reading of the Book of Job [01/06/2021]
- Damiano Bondi, Victimism as the contemporary form of ressentiment. The paradoxically Christian roots of our culture’s secular morality [01/06/2021]
- Bianca Nogara Notarianni, In the name of the Father, Job’s name. The role of interpellation in practices of subjection [01/06/2021]
- Benoît Chantre, Metaphor versus myth. An introduction to Job, the Victim of His People [01/06/2021]
- Sofia Vescovelli, The theory of natural evolution and the conflict between science and religion. The proposal of process philosophy [31/12/2019]
- Paola Premoli De Marchi, Can a moral hypocrite be a true philosopher? Scheler’s Reading to Plato [31/12/2019]
- Federico Rovea, Intercultural tactics. A reading of Michel De Certeau from an intercultural perspective [31/12/2019]
- Daniele Bertini, Three Kinds of Religious Vagueness [31/12/2018]
- Claudia Rosciglione, Individuals and collectivity between the priciple of non-contradiction and the joint commitment [30/12/2017]
- Gian Paolo Terravecchia, Social Stances and Rational Decision Making. A Phenomenology of Social Stances [30/06/2017]
- Fiorella Giaculli, Traces about a role of art in life, analysing Schopenhauer and Nietzsche’s aesthetics [30/06/2017]
- Samuel Kahn, Reassessing the foundation of Korsgaard’s approach to ethics [15/05/2017]
- Maria Silvia Vaccarezza, Beyond a Dichotomy. Aquinas’s Theory of Natural Law as a Form of Autonomous Theonomy [15/05/2017]
- Marco Damonte, Euthyphro dilemma: contemporary interpretations [15/05/2017]
- Gianluca Cavallo, Genealogical inquiry and universal moral values [15/05/2017]
- Elizabeth Meade, Freedom Justified: Morality as Heteronomy in the Thought of Levinas [15/05/2017]
- Elisa Grimi, Between heteronomy and autonomy. The presage of intention [15/05/2017]
- Daniele Bertini, Others matter. The Failure of the Autonomous Approach to Ethics [15/05/2017]
- Daniele Bertini, Moral Heteronomy. History, Proposal, Reasons, Arguments: Introduction [15/05/2017]
- Chuck Huff, Almut Furchert, Embracing the Complexity of Moral Action [15/05/2017]
- Arianne Conty, Liberty, Equality, and/or Fraternity: The Aporia of Democracy in Immanuel Kant and John Rawls [15/05/2017]
- Tommaso Manzon, The Wisdom of Dionysus: Metaphysics in the early and late Nietzsche, with particular respect to The Birth of Tragedy [30/12/2016]
- Lorenzo Spezia, Was Nietzsche an anti-realist? [30/12/2016]
- Salvatore Italia, Huxley, Habermas and the Fear of Genetic Engineering [30/07/2016]
- Cristiano Gianolla, Mahatma Gandhi and the AAP: Towards Post-Political-Colonialism through Decentralisation and Swaraj [30/12/2015]
- Elena Pagni, Insights of “living body”: towards a biological phenomenology? [10/07/2014]
- Oliviero Frattolillo, A Standpoint in International History: South-East Asia’s Fūdosei in Watsuji Tetsurō’s Geocultural Appraisal [10/07/2012]
- Daniele Bertini, A case against the contemporary taxonomy of views on the metaphysics of freedom. Berkeley’s account of free will and agency [30/12/2011]
- Alessandro Medri, An open system: the meaning of Mysticism in Schopenhauer [20/07/2011]
- Giorgio Rizzo, The worldboundness of phenomenology [20/12/2010]
- Oksana A. Dovgopolova, The areas of Other, Strange, and Rejected in the social space [25/10/2010]
- Iakov Levi, Nietzsche, the Jews and His Father [25/10/2010]
- Fee-Alexandra Haase, Implementation of Argumentation as Process in Theoretical Linguistics. A State of the Art-Review and a Model for Argumentation in Linguistics [25/10/2010]
- Giorgio Rizzo, Is it worth a strong defence of Husserl’s Method of Free Variation? [20/12/2009]
- Fee-Alexandra Haase, Evidence as Border between Observation and Rhetoric. Studies of Rhetorical Inheritage in Discourses of Knowledge in Argumentation Theory [20/12/2009]
- Cristiano Gianolla, Global Bioethics: Right to non-Discrimination, Right to Human Genome and Rights of Future Generations [20/12/2009]
- Alessandro Pizzo, Deontic Paradoxes and Moral Theory [20/12/2009]
- Roger Burggraeve, Affected by the face of the other. The levinasian movement from the exteriority to the interiority of the infinite [05/07/2009]
- Ephraim Meir, Athens and Jerusalem in Levinas’s Difficult Freedom [05/07/2009]
- Adriaan T. Peperzak, Transfigurations [05/07/2009]
- Stuart Dalton, Gadamer and Derrida on the Ultimate Nature of Language [05/12/2008]
- Giorgio Rizzo, Wittgenstein on colour-issues [05/12/2008]
- Stanisław Łojek, Virtue in Hobbes’ and Platos’s political philosophy [30/07/2008]
- Angela Bruzzo, The chaotic nature of Self [25/04/2007]
- Fee-Alexandra Haase, From the Oratio Libera to the Contemporary Genre of “Free Speech.” Rhetorically re-read: What Kant’s What Is Enlightenment as an Essay for Free Speech can tell Us [15/12/2006]
- Georg Spielthenner, The Nature of Morality [10/02/2005]
- Claudio Tugnoli, The victimary compromise in zooanthropological tradition [01/09/2004]
- Aakash Singh, Laughing at Politics: Rethinking Plato’s Republic [30/05/2004]
- Oliver Black, What makes me the person I am [04/11/2002]
- Iakov Levi, Pinocchio. The Puberty Rite of a Puppet [26/07/2002]
- Michael Dummett, Language as Our Means of Communication [04/01/2002]
- Harold M. Stahmer, Speech and Reality in the Third Millennium [09/07/2001]
- Antonio Palomo-Lamarca, Shamanism, Philosophy and the Discovering of America [15/01/2001]
- Antonio Palomo-Lamarca, The Relation between Perception and Reality in Science [28/09/2000]