Fee-Alexandra Haase

Fee-Alexandra Haase earned her Magister degree and doctorate from the University of Tübingen in 1997 with specializations in rhetoric, art history, and Egyptology. Subsequent to her graduate work, Haase lectured at the University of Hannover, at National University Cheju, at the Catholic University of Taegu-Hyosung, and at Texas A&M University. Currently, Haase is conducting research in South Korea in a project on multilingual parallel corpora. Haase has published papers on aspects of rhetoric, stylistics, and general textual study, e.g., in LiLi: Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik (2000), Aufklärung und Kritik (2000), Recenseo: Texte zu Kunst und Philosophie (2001), Logo: Revista de Retórica y Teoría de la Comunicación (2003), and numerous papers online in websites such as http://www.fachpublikationen.de/autoren/fahaase/publikationen.html.
